Win Your Dream Sneakers!

Join Now! Just three steps:

1. Follow my tiktok:
2. Comment on tiktok: Shoes name+ @two friend
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Lucky Draw Time:
2.1 More than 55 participant
2.2 Beijing time:July 14th at 5pm
choose a pair of shoes


good evening participants

What Are Rep Sneakers?

This lottery will end today because the number of people cannotreach 55. 

The participation prize will be announced here: S55 forpair of dunk purchases or 50% discount for any pair in the store.

winners will be drawn this time and will be officially announced orthe official website.

The results of the current lottery draw are as follows: Please redeem the prizes within this week for two winners, no waiting for expiration!

Stay tuned for the next event,This is the end of this event, thank you for your support!

The start of the next event is next week, so you can look forward to it!

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