SneakerRep New Followers

Event Name: #SneakerRepNewFollowers

Follow and tag 2 friends in this post to enter.


1. Follow our Instagram account
2. Tag 2 friends in this post and encourage them to follow us.

3.Tagged friends should mention "Follow from (your username)" in their comments.

1. When the number of followers reaches 1050, 2 participants will be randomly selected from the comments to win a 50% discount coupon!
2. When the number of followers reaches 1200, any pair of shoes will be given away for free!

3. When the number of fans reaches 1300, 2 participants will be randomly selected from the comments again to win a 50% off coupon!

All rewards are cumulative, so keep inviting new fans for more chances to win!

TIPS: (Shoes purchased by the winners, except for luxury items)

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